Our Speakers

Andrea PancaniJournalist TV LA7
É vicedirettore del Tg La7 e conduce il talk del mattino “Coffee Break”.
Dal 2003 al 2005 è stato consigliere per la stampa estera presso il Dipartimento per l’Editoria della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri. Nel 2007 è stato direttore editoriale del web channel politico-istituzionale SherpaTv; è stato docente di giornalismo alla facoltà di Scienze della Comunicazione dell’Università La Sapienza di Roma; è stato consulente per la Comunicazione dell’Eti, Ente teatrale italiano. È stato consigliere del Distretto Audiovisivo e dell’ICT di Roma.
Designing for occupational health and safety

Cesare DamianoMinister for Labour Counselor
Cesare Damiano is a member of the INAIL Board of Directors, President of Labour & Welfare, and advisor to the Minister of Employment. A university lecturer and author of numerous publications, he conducts research, training and consulting in Occupational Safety, Employment Policy, Industrial Relations, Collective Bargaining, Corporate Welfare, Social Security, and Supplementary Health.
He was Minister of Employment in the second Prodi government, and Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies’ Labour Commission under the seventeenth Legislature.

Piero MartelloJudge, Editor-in-chief LavoroDirittiEuropa
Pietro Martello is a retired Supreme Court Judge and former President of the Milan Employment Court. With more than twenty judges, this Court is the most prominent of its kind in Italy, with jurisdiction over proceedings regarding labour relations, statutory social security, compulsory assistance, and dismissals.
He has held numerous positions in Italy and internationally during his illustrious career, such as: in 1988 member of the Italian Delegation to the Human Rights Commission at the United Nations (UN), headquarters in Geneva; and in 1999 member of the Italian Delegation in the Preparatory Commission of the International Criminal Court, at the United Nations (UN), New York office.
Moreover, he is Editor-in-Chief of the LavoroDirittiEuropa online magazine, a quarterly periodical promoting knowledge of labour law from an integrated European Union legal system perspective.

Walter RicciardiProfessor of Hygiene and Public Health Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome
Professor of Hygiene and Public Health at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome.
Scientific Advisor to the Italian Minister of Health for the coronavirus pandemia.
Scientific Director of Istituti Clinici Scientifici Maugeri.
President of Mission Board for Cancer of European Commission.
Chair of the Scientific Committee of Human Technopole Foundation.
Past President of the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) (2003-2004 and 2010-2014).
Past President of the World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPHA) (2020-2022)

Lorraine LarmanManaging Director SAFETY SOLUTIONS
Lorraine Larman have worked in the service industry for over 40 years. She has a broad portfolio of experiences including overseeing the Compliance and Health and Safety within a wide range of sectors, from Crime Scene, Healthcare, Quarries, Power stations, Retail and Office Cleaning
She is committed to the ethos of Health and Safety and the benefits of training to ensure understanding. Her training experiences include helping companies in achieving accreditations in ISSA CIMS, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 among others.

Giuseppe MilanesePresident CONFCOOPERATIVE SANITA'
Graduate in Medicine and Surgery, Ph.D. in Infectious Diseases, and with a Master’s in Healthcare Economics.
Formerly a researcher at the University of Rome Tor Vergata Department of Public Health and at the CNR, he teaches the Master’s Degree course at Tor Vergata on “Healthcare Economics” and “Local Medicine”, and teaches at the “La Sapienza” University of Rome’s Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Postgraduate School.
He became Chairman of the OSA Board in 2000. In 2010, he became Chairman of Confcooperative Sanità and Confcooperative Sanità Lazio, and Vice Chairman of Confcooperative Lazio. He has written for a hundred or so Italian and international scientific publications.

Luigi SbarraGeneral Secretary CISL
Luigi Sbarra began his career at Fisba CISL in Locri, rising up through the union's ranks to senior level at CISL Calabria, a role he held until December 2009. In April 2016, he was elected General Secretary of FAI CISL Nazionale. On 28 March 2018, the General Council elected him Deputy General Secretary for the CISL national organization. He was elected General Secretary on 3 March 2021, and unanimously reappointed CISL General Secretary on 28 May 2022, at the end of the nineteenth Confederal Congress.

Jenny LogeniusGlobal Brand Manager Tork, Essity Hygiene and Health AB
Jenny Logenius is Essity’s Global Brand Manager for the professional hygiene brand Tork and is especially focused on hygiene and health related matters. She is a representative at the Private Organizations for Patient Safety (POPs) an initiative of the World Health Organization, Clean Hospitals and UNFs AMR Cross Industry Collaboration. She has a long experience working with the healthcare industry and developing innovations such as products, services and trainings related to improved patient safety in the fields of hand hygiene and surface hygiene.

Patty OlingerExecutive director GBAC
Patricia (Patty) Olinger is the Executive Director of the Global Biorisk Advisory Council, (GBAC), a division of ISSA. For over 20 years she has been involved with the development of international standards for biorisk management such as the GBAC STARTM facility accreditation program, designed to assist facilities, companies and governments to Prepare, Respond & Recover from events involving infectious diseases including pandemics.
For 13 years she has been the Executive Director of the Environmental, Health and Safety Office at Emory University. She spent 21 years in the Pharmaceutical Industry, providing support to both human and animal health research. From 2013-2018, she has been a board member of the Elizabeth R. Griffin Foundation, leading initiatives on global Biorisk management, obtaining practical experience with staff and facilities in extremely low resource environments.

Luigi ZucchelliDirector of Integrated Technical Area and Development CNS
He has run the CNS integrated technical and development unit since 2017. The design structure, tender office, requirements and SOA office, as well as the "OFM" order management IT platform, CNS's main strategic asset to members, report to his directorate. He oversees CNS and its member companies’ competitive advantages when participating in public and/or privately-called procedures, pursuing opportunities on the private market in synergy with the Commercial Department. He is also responsible for the CNS innovation network and relations with Universities and Research Institutions, suppliers, etc. He is a member of the BI-REX Emilia Romagna Competence Center Board of Directors, and plays an active CNS committee role for managing the framework agreement on innovation and research with the Milan Politecnico University.
The value of memory and the building of a civil conscience

Franco ArminioPoet, Writer, Director
Franco Arminio was born and lives in Bisaccia, in Eastern Irpinia. He has published many books, which have reached tens of thousands of readers. For years he has been traveling and writing, in search of wonder and in defense of small towns; he is the inspiration and reference point for many actions against the depopulation of internal Italy. He conceived and carries on the House of Landscape in Bisaccia and the festival "The moon and the badlands" in Aliano.

Giordano Bruno GuerriWriter, historian, President at Il Vittoriale degli Italiani
Giordano Bruno Guerri, writer and journalist, was born in Monticiano (Siena) in 1950. Historian and scholar of the 20th century, he is specialized in the Fascist period and in the relationship between Italian state and Church. After graduating in 1974 at Università Cattolica in Milan, he collected various experience in the field of journalism and publishing industry, such as the appointment as Director of the monthly publication Storia illustrata (1985), Editorial Director for Mondadori (1986), and the collaboration with Il Giornale. As professor of Contemporary History, he taught classes in some universities in Madrid, Rio de Janeiro and Rome. Since 2008 he has been President of the Foundation Il Vittoriale degli Italiani in Gardone Riviera, director of GardaMusei since 2015 and Superintendent of the Foundation Erice Arte in Erice since 2020.

Raffaele BrunoFull Professor of Infectious DiseasesUNIVERSITA' DI PAVIADirector of infectious diseases DepartmentFONDAZIONE IRCCS POLICLINICO SAN MATTEO
Raffaele Bruno is Full Professor of Infectious Diseases and Director of the UOC of Infectious Diseases and Medical Department of the IRCCS San Matteo Foundation. His study and research activity has focused on aspects of HIV infection and HCV-HBV viral hepatitis and in recent years on COVID 19. He has participated in the drafting of numerous national and international guidelines. He is the author of over 300 publications in national and international scientific journals with impact factor >2000 and h index of 60.

Paolo CrepetPsychiatrist, Sociologist
An Italian psychiatrist and sociologist (b. Turin 1951), Crepet graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Padua (1976), and in Sociology from the University of Urbino (1980), specializing in Psychiatry at the University of Padua Psychiatric Clinic (1985). Close to F. Basaglia (from whom he inherited a staunchly anti-psychiatric approach), he is a prolific author of essays investigating various aspects of contemporary malaise, combining a rigorous scientific approach with a clear and popular writing style.

Moni OvadiaItalian actor, singer, musician and writer
A man of the theatre and a civil and social rights activist, Ovadia was born in Bulgaria in 1946 to a Jewish-Sephardic family.
The form of "musical theatre" he developed draws on his experience as an actor and musician. He came to the attention of the general public and critics in 1993 with Oylem Goylem, a cabaret-style musical theatrical creation inspired by Yiddish culture that he helped divulge through his own contemporary interpretation, in a form of musical theatre unique in Italy and Europe.
In the movie business, he has worked with Nanni Moretti, Mario Monicelli, Roberto Andò, Roberto Faenza and others.
He has won numerous career and civic engagement awards, including the "Seal for Peace" from the City of Florence, and in 2009 the De Sica Award for Theatre.
Integrated services management under the ‘new normal’

Stefano CervoneChief Executive Officer NEXT RE SIIQ SpA
With a background in economics and lengthy experience with BNL (Banca Nazionale del Lavoro), he has been working in real estate finance for over 30 years. Expert in corporate governance in regulated environments, strategic-financial planning and control, a staunch supporter of sustainability as an essential lever for generating business value.
Some of his most important experiences include managing the corporate start-up and business development of Sorgente up to 2015, where he’s overseen relevant acquisitions such as the Chrysler Building and Flatiron in New York.
Since 2017 he’s been NEXT RE SIIQ’s Chief Executive Officer

Lorenzo MattioliChairman of EFCI, Confindustria Services HCFS, and ANIP Confindustria
In January 2021, he became Business Strategy & Development Senior Advisor to Sicuritalia SpA, Italy’s leading security company. He is also Chairman of the Board of Sicuritalia Multiservice, and Business Strategy and Development Advisor to KONI.
Over the years, his assignments have brought consolidated managerial and representative experience in various areas of the Facility Management industry.
In 2022, he became Vice President of the ONBSI bilateral organization; he became Vice Chairman of the ASIM health care fund in 2017.

Fulvio PassalacquaSenior Key Account Manager E-Industries ENEL X
Expert in decarbonization strategies, energy efficiency, distributed generation, the circular economy, and international energy markets. ESCo and EPC formula projects. Auxiliary process efficiency enhancement.
Experienced in strategic consulting to large industry and international groups, risk management, cost management and industrial competitiveness.

Born in 1972, Andrea Laguardia is the serving Legacoop Production and Services National Manager of the Multiservice, Foodservice and Environmental Hygiene sectors, a role he has held since 2015.
He has also held positions at bilateral bodies in the relevant sectors; notably, he was Chairman of ONBSI from 2020 to 2022, and is a member of the INPS Nazionale Environmental Services Solidarity Fund Committee.

Avril McCarthyGeneral Manager ICCA
Avril McCarthy has worked in the Contract Cleaning Sector since 2000. Her knowledge and experience of this sector has led her to be a key opinion leader. Avril is the current Chair of the Irish Contract Cleaning Association and the Irish representative for the cleaning industry at EU level where she is part of the team in developing the industry at a European level. As General Manager of Derrycourt, Avril oversees the running of this family run business with over 1800 staff throughout Ireland.

Lynn WebsterISSA Consultant
Director of LWC Ltd with over 40 years’ experience, recognised expertise in cleaning & facilities industry providing independent consultancy to organisations across commercial, healthcare, retail, leisure, hospitality, education sectors.
One of the original Top 100 most influential women in Hospitality, Travel, Leisure & Tourism; holds BICSc Sholom Gordon Award for outstanding contribution to the Cleaning Industry. She has Chartered Status as a Chartered Environmental Cleaner: C.Env.Cln

Michelle MarshallFounding editor EUROPEAN CLEANING JOURNAL
Michelle Marshall is founding editor of European Cleaning Journal (ECJ) launched in1993. Based in the UK, she has been involved in the professional cleaning sector for 30 years.
ECJ is the only pan-European publication serving the professional cleaning sector. With its lively mix of news, product reviews, in-depth analysis and comment ECJ is a well-respected and reliable source of content for the sector.
The annual European Cleaning & Hygiene Awards was also established by Michelle in 2016. Now in their sixth year, the awards will next take place in Dublin in 2023.

Lara PaemenManaging Director IFMA EMEA
Lara is the Managing Director of IFMA (International Facility Management Association) EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa). In this role, she is the link between IFMA’s HQ in Houston, Texas and IFMA’s Chapters, partners and stakeholders in the region and responsible for the EMEA strategy of IFMA. She is also a member of the IFMA EMEA Board of Directors.
Before joining IFMA, she acquired 17 years of experience as a Strategic Workplace Consultant and Change manager with projects in Belgium, France, The Netherlands, Serbia, Spain, and the UK.